Light even in the darkest place will help you see, if you look for it.
Have you ever closed your eyes in a dark room and been able to see better when you opened them. If we stay in the dark, we will get used to it and think that this is how life is. But if we seek out the light and look for more, we will find the light and eventually leave the darkness behind.
God gave me a vision a long time ago of him walking in the woods at night with no path, but as he walked the footprints he left behind illuminated to guide me where he wanted me to go.
We can find the light if we look for it. Jesus is always with us waiting to be the light, to guide us even in the darkest places.
Close your eyes and ask him to show you the light, to show you the steps he wants you to take.
Jesus sacrifice gives us the opportunity to come into right relationship with God. This relationship makes us heirs with him so we can experience his blessings.
But God’s blessings are not all tangible, like we so often look for. Most of them are spiritual. Peace that surpasses understanding, freedom from guilt and shame, being loved more than we can imagine. These things can’t be taken from us.
The next time your looking for God to provide. Seek his kingdom and know that he provides and blesses us with the things that really matter.
Abiding in the vine, in Jesus, changes us. It changes our wants, our desires, and the way we think. If we abide in the vine, we abide in the love of God. Jesus’s desires become our desires.
So that keeping his commandments is out of love, not status or achievement.
Abiding in the vine is about, literally growing as a branch to reach out and grow fruit. If we are each a branch then how many could we reach.
We are stronger when we abide together in the vine to bear fruit.
It’s great to have alone time with God but we draw so much strength from gathering together too.
Abide in the vine that is Jesus. Abide in his love and you will bear his fruit.
The love of God gets me through more then I thought I could ever handle.
I’ve always tried to be the person that says they can do anything, I don’t back away from challenges and I always try to find the solution to any problem.
But when I’m faced with things that I can’t fix or make work, it opens the door to be discouraged or even depressed.
A few years ago I struggled with depression over not being pregnant after several years of trying. I was discouraged and I knew that God loved me but I didn’t want to spend time with Him. Honestly I was mad at God. But in time I came to realize that just because I wanted a baby doesn’t mean I’m ready. Having a baby isn’t about me, it’s about the baby.
God was teaching me that having a baby wasn’t about fulfilling my desire to be a mother but it should be about wanting to do and be whats best for the child.
I needed to learn that.
Even though we are not expecting yet. I am trusting that God will bring a child into our lives when it is best for the baby.
I trust God because I know He loves me and I’m reminded of that each day as I write. Writing helps me keep focused on Him, it helps me to evaluate my life and see Him working in it.
His love sustains me, it feeds me, but I have to let Him love me.
What area of your life are holding back God’s love from?
We can’t change other people. But we can choose how we treat and react to other people.
I recently watched a great movie on Pureflix called ‘How to train your puppy husband‘ I thought it would be funny as we have two dogs I am training and I would never train my husband. But it reminded me of an important lesson.
We can’t change other people, but we can choose how we treat and react to other people. When you’re training a puppy you are actually modifying how you treat and react to what your puppy does.
You should never try to train or change your spouse. But you can change how you treat them and react to them. We are to love God and love others as ourselves. So think about how you would like to treated and treat your spouse that way. If you want to be loved and respected, love and respect them. You can’t get what you don’t give. When has demanding, berating and manipulating ever really resulted in exactly what you wanted.
Forced behavior is never really what we want, what we want is for others to do things for us because they want to, so we must do that for them. If we want others to care for our needs and wants, we need to put the other person first and care for their needs and desires.
When you know someone you trust them. So how can you trust God if you don’t know him?
Of course big leaps of faith sound crazy if your trying to trust a God you barely know. But that’s why it’s so crucial to have a daily relationship with him. When you spend everyday with someone you know them. You know their quirks and their preferences how they would react in different situations.
That’s how I trusted God with the big decisions in my life. Because I spend time with him. This blog is one of those ways. I ask him to show himself to me and he speaks to me through songs, movies, nature and often just a conversation.
When we make God a daily part of our lives. Trusting him with the big and the little decisions doesn’t seem scary; it just feels right. Because we know he wants nothing but the best for us.
If we as infants need love, care, guidance and protection to learn the basic of just walking and talking. Why do we expect those that are new in their faith should automatically know how to walk, talk and act in their new found faith in God.
We should teach them to read the Word of God, to go to him in prayer when they need help and show them how God has guided us in our own lives. The majority of the New Testament is instruction for the new believers. If it took such lengthy instruction to help guide them. How can we expect someone who just surrendered their life to God to know everything.
We need to love and encourage them to learn about God and develop their own relationship with him. So that he can father them to be who he made them to be. Teach someone to walk and talk as Jesus. Just like Jesus taught you!
God fights for us even when we don’t see it. He works things out before we even know them and builds a path for us to walk that we cannot see. It can be scary to go where you haven’t been.
My husband and I have lived in nine different states in the nine years we’ve been married, in each place, he put people in our lives for us to reach, love and encourage in their faith in God. And people have influenced us too. Because no matter how long or short we we were somewhere God had gone before us and prepared a place for us, he built connections for us and prepared our way, we were simply willing to go.
God may not be calling you to move across the country or to move around the world. He may only be asking you to walk across the street. But whatever he has called you to, he has prepared the path ahead for you. Are you willing to follow where He leads you?
It’s easy to say you ‘depend on God’, when everything is going good. But to say it even in the hard times too. That’s when our faith in him shines through.
Because our faith in God should not change because our circumstances do. God doesn’t change. He is the same in the worst of moments of our lives and in the best. He always loves us, wants us and is there for us. We are the ones that lose faith, or feel unworthy, or push him away.
But the question we have to ask God is not ‘Why?’ but ‘What now? God what do you want to be for me in this moment? What we’re going through may not be what he wanted for us but he will be with us through it and he will use it to bring us closer to him if we let him.
In the Lion King Simba tries to run from his problems, only to find out later that he didn’t even do what caused him to run. It easy for us to take what someone else says about us and let it influence us. But what if it’s not true? We should always take everything to God. He is our creator and he knows us best.
Simba allowed what Scar told him to dictate years of his life. Sure he had some fun with Timone and Pumba but the result was him abandoning his family, and not living as he was intended to; eating bugs when he was designed to eat meat.
If we believe what everyone tells us then we let them determine who we are. But if we take everything to God and let him tell us what’s true and what’s not; we will find our identity in him not the world.
We all search for and want someone who understands us, who gets us, and knows us to our very soul.
Jesus is that person. He knows us even better then we know ourselves. He knit us together in our mothers womb and He knows us to our very core.
We are the ones who put up the barriers and choose to separate ourselves from Him. We are the ones who surrender some of us, but still hang onto the most painful parts of our lives, to keep control.
I want to encourage you to surrender everything over to Him. Stop holding back and trust Him. I’ve never felt more myself then when I surrendered my life over to Jesus. I know it sounds strange, but He made us and He knows how to fulfill us.
God’s identity for each of us is so crucial to our relationship with Him. Who and what He has called us to is so much more then a career; it’s who we are.
For me, it’s writing, it’s who he made me to be and even though I don’t earn a dime from it currently, it’s still who I am. Writing uplifts me, it causes me to think about who God is, what He’s done and what He is doing. Writing about Him is how I understand Him and know His character.
In our American society we get so encapsulated that our job or career is our identity, but we are so much more the what we do for a living. Our identity can never be stripped away. We can lose everything and everyone and God will still be God and we will still be who He called us to be; His kids.
Paul knew that and that’s why he says by the will of God, because God completely changed who he was, God gave Paul a new identity, a new purpose and even a new name.
God does this with us too. When we seek God and ask Him who He made us to be. He reveals His identity for us, who He designed us to be. We become fulfilled by Him the more we walk in the identity He’s called us to.
What was it that attracted you to God? For me it was his forgiveness and love. He knew all my mistakes but still I felt his love and forgiveness the moment I surrendered my life to Him.
What keeps me in relationship with God, is his never-ending love, grace and beauty. I feel his love each day, his grace when I make mistakes and he shows me his beauty more each day.
We should never stop falling in love with God. Just as we should never stop falling in love with our spouse. Each day we need to see them both in a new light and a new appreciation.
God wants to reveal himself to us more each day, we just have to let Him.
It’s easy to define ourselves by our mistakes and failures. But that’s the beauty of finding our identity in Jesus. He gives us new life, a new beginning each and everyday. We don’t have to be who we were yesterday or even a moment ago. We can choose each moment to be who we used to be or be who God says we are.
We can’t earn God’s forgiveness, He gives it freely and it doesn’t matter how much we fail. He is always there to pick us back up and give us a fresh start.
But we have to make the choice to die to ourselves and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Finding our identity in Jesus is a daily choice. We can choose to be who we used to be or we can choose to let Jesus live through us.
“You can either run from your past or learn from it” Rafki The Lion King
One of the greatest gifts God gave us was choice. We have the choice to choose our actions and reactions. We can choose to let things in our past dictate how we act, speak and interact with others or we can make a conscious choice not to let our past determine our future.
The amazing thing abut Jesus sacrifice is that he gives us a choice. We can choose to continue to live our lives for ourselves. OR we can choose to believe in his sacrifice and accept the forgiveness he freely gives us. But the choice to follow Jesus means we die to our selfishness, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and put others before ourselves.
Every moment of everyday we can choose to follow the Holy Spirit or we can choose our own selfish desires. I’ve tried both and for me Jesus is always the better choice. What will you choose?
The apostle Paul is in prison as he writes these words. What a bold prayer. He could of prayed for protection, but instead he prays that he will boldly continue to preach the gospel, the very thing that put him in prison. He offers up his life so that it may be used for God’s glory whether that be his life or death.
Where does this boldness come from?
He not only hands over his life, but he is rejoicing in his imprisonment.
How do you get to that point in your relationship with Jesus, where you are willing to sacrifice everything for him to be glorified?
It’s by knowing the character of God. When you know his character, you know you can depend on him because of who he is. God is always in your corner backing you up. Who would want to go against the God of the universe.
Some may say that was in the bible, try doing it now.
But there are people living this way now. A present day example of this is in the book Heavenly Man by Paul Hattaway. Heavenly Man is about Brother Yun, the Pastor of an underground church in China. This book will stretch and strengthen your faith more then you can believe. Brother Yun sacrifices everything to witness to those around him. He’s beaten, abused and imprisoned for preaching the gospel, but he rejoices in his suffering and preaches even to the guards and inmates that attack him.
What lengths are you willing to go to for sharing the gospel with others? Would you sacrifice your life?
Some say this seems archaic but that’s a surface level answer.
There is a balance to this. Wives are to submit to their husband and husband are to love their wives. This is because men and women are different and we each need different things to feel loved. Women feel loved when they are protected, supported and encouraged. Men feel loved when they are respected, affirmed and appreciated
Marriage is about serving each other and putting the needs of the other above your own. God gave it to us as a model for his relationship with us. Jesus came to serve, not be served. He was not looking for what we could do for him, but what he could do for us. When we focus on fulfilling the needs of the other then our needs are then met by our spouse.
Can you imagine being born where the livestock are stored? Laying in hay to give birth and being surrounded by animals.
Jesus birth may seem humble to us and in a way it is. But he was surrounded and heralded by his creation, the very animals he spoke into existence and his birth was announced by angels and celebrated by the poor and the rich.
The Bible says that if we do not praise him the very rocks will cry out, and in many ways they do. Have you ever seen the majesty of a mountain. All creation cries out to praise Jesus and we being his creation are to do the same.
He created us, each one of us, he knit each of us together in our mothers womb. We are his creation. As his creation, we should praise him too!
This song always makes me feel calm and at peace. It’s like when you see a sleeping baby, they are so peaceful and calm, it brings joy to your face.
When I hear this song I think of Jesus as an infant. He wasn’t born in grandeur but in humble beginning, yet his birth was celebrated by angels, shepherds, wise men, the rich, the poor and the heavenly hosts. What a joyous celebration for such a humble beginning.
It goes to show that it doesn’t matter where you start from but how you live. Even if you were born in the poorest of circumstances that doesn’t mean you can’t do great things.
The Holy Spirit works in and through us just as he did in Jesus and anyone can have the Holy Spirt we just have to humble ourselves and allow him to work through us and he will do great things.
So adore him this Christmas and let his peace reign in you.
The Christmas Shoes song and movie inspire putting others before yourself. Just as Jesus did when he came here to save us. He put others before his needs and desires.
In this season of gift exchange, look for opportunities to bless others. Pray and ask God what each person needs. He knows each one of us and the desires of our hearts. Trust him to provide for what he asks you to give, even if you don’t know how. Or give to a stranger or someone you barely know, it could make all the difference in the world to them.
Like the Christmas shoes. Even if we don’t understand why. Simple bless others because Jesus blessed others.
Our God is truly amazing. He can change our whole attitude and mindset with a few words. You can go from irritated, rushed, anxious and frustrated to complete peace without a single change of perspective about your circumstances, surroundings or workload.
God gives us peace by dwelling in us. When we bring God into the situation he changes our perspective or view of our circumstances so that we see things in a different light. Sometimes he even tells us a solution we never would of thought of on our own.
Trust in him in all things to bring peace to your heart and soul. Because when you know who he has made you to be and what his promises are, you can stand on those promises.
Like Peter walking on water when Jesus told him to. Peter did the impossible he walked on water and during a storm no less. Something that seems impossible, but he did it because he was focused on Jesus. It wasn’t until he changed his focus to the storm around him that he began to sink.
When you feel overwhelmed and like there is no end in sight. Look to Jesus and let his peace fill you. Trust him to provide and guide you through anything.
Everyone represents something. Their friends, family, company, beliefs, theology. We all represent something, whether it be our own thought process or someone else’s. No matter what you do, who you are and what makes you that way, will shine though eventually, even if you try to hide it.
God is like that in our lives. When we choose to follow him even if we try to hide it, he will shine through in our actions, our smile, the way we treat others.
We have to make a concise effort to hide his light. Even if we put it under a basket, light will shine out through the weaving or a bowl, light will shine out the edge.
There are many reason we hide our faith in God, worry, fear, anxiety, safety. The first three can be combated by knowing God more, knowing who he made you to be and allowing him to give you the words, the confidence and the wisdom in shining his light.
Those that fear for there safety, literally for their lives, if they share their faith. These people are the ones who shine the brightest, like Brother Yun or David Hogan those that have had their life threatened multiple times and still shine for Jesus. They and others like them shine God’s light because they know who they are and the value, the power and the love of God and that gives them no fear.
Although I do not have to hide my faith daily, I have had moments on a mission trip when our teams life was threatened. And in that moment, not a single one of us wavered, we knew the risk of sharing about Jesus where we were going and God gave us the boldness to shine for him without a moments hesitation.
That’s who God is he shines through us in ways we may never have imagined. Shine bright for him by knowing him.
That’s what this Christmas season is about, thinking about and being thankful for Jesus birth. Our relationship with God would be so different if Jesus hadn’t come.But he did and I’m so grateful for the deep intimate personal relationship we each get to have with him.
Christmas heralds us in and reminds us of the humble life Jesus choose to live to give us the opportunity to have that intimate relationship with us.
So celebrate Jesus this season with boisterous applause!
The trust that Mary had in God to say ‘let it be done to me as you have said’ speaks volumes in her faith in God. To agree to carry and raise the son of God. The faith that took, is inspiring. She had to know that there would be questions from her parents and Joseph that her community would most likely stone her. But she trusted God anyway.
So why don’t we trust God when he asks us to do something for him? Do we think that he’s going to hurt us or harm us? He won’t. But that doesn’t mean we won’t face doubt or hardship. But god will provide through it just as he did for Mary.
Trust God to guide your every step and take a leap of faith like Mary did. You never know what might happen.
The Christmas Candle movie illustrates how God wants to and will bless us, just that it may not be how or when we want it. But if we put our trust in God and look for him in everything we can see past our expectations and find what he wants to bless us with.
God’s blessings may not be what we thought it would be or happen how we thought it should. But how, when and with what he does bless us will be better then if we had tried to get it on our own.
God is always there for us and he wants to bless us with the desires of our hearts. We may just not understand what he’s doing at the moment.
Christmas is a time of hope and tradition but it also has discouragement and loss. Its a time when we hope for the things we desire, be it a gift, relationship restoration or a new relationship formed, and traditions that we hold dear to our hearts. But we can become discouraged when things don’t go as planned or we don’t get what we had hoped for.
Jesus didn’t come as the people expected. That’s why we should ask him for his perspective and let him change our view of what may seem like hopelessness, but actually his blessing right around the corner.
Nowhere here does it say we have to manufacture our own joy, peace and hope. Because it comes from trusting God. I don’t put my hope in myself because I will fail myself. I don’t find my peace from within. I find peace and hope in God and that gives me joy.
What a relief it is that we don’t have to find joy, hope or peace in ourselves but we can trust in the one that is bigger then us, stronger, kinder, more generous and loves us beyond our understanding. Our Heavenly Father. On our worst day and our best day and he will still always welcome us with a huge hug and a smile and provide all we need.
God always does what he says he will, but rarely is it how we would think he would or in the time that we think best. Do you think that the people expected their savior to come as a baby. That he would grow up like them and wouldn’t start his ministry till he was thirty years old.
I’m sure most people thought he would come charging in on a cloud bold and strong, pushing all the kings and rulers out of the way and declaring his kingdom with thunder and lighting.
But God’s ways are not our ways.
He had a different plan. To show all of humanity love and compassion. To serve us and give us the opportunity to be made new in him.
What circumstance are you looking for God to move in? Are you only looking for him to do it as you expect, or in the timeline you prefer.
Stop looking for the answer and look for God instead. He’s there. You just have to look for him and trust him to do what he promises.
‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’ heralds what Jesus came to do, to set us free!
How often we forget or even take for-granted the freedom Jesus has given us. The freedom to be free of guilt and shame. To know his peace, his joy, his grace and his love without bounds. Jesus came to set us FREE!
So let’s rejoice! Jump, dance, sing, declare who Jesus is and what he’s done for us all!
There’s something about Christmas that brings a sense of joy to our hearts all you have to say is the word and people get a little smirk on their face remembering fond memories of there childhood or times with family. It’s a time of joy.
When we all gather together with friends or with family and celebrate. Some celebrate with gifts, some with song, some with big meals, but always with joy.
But what if you are having a hard time being joyful this season whether it be distance or change or loss.
Jesus is our joy even in the bleakest of circumstances.
He has always given me joy when I seek it from him no matter what. It could be the worst day of my life but when I turn to him I know that I can find peace and rest and joy.
Find JOY in Jesus this Christmas. He is the reason for the season.
It’s easy to know someone and hold their mistakes against them. But what if that’s how God saw us. But he doesn’t.
When we accepted Jesus sacrifice God wiped our slate clean. He doesn’t see our mistakes he sees Jesus and who we can be if we let Jesus live through us. We need to look at people like God does. God can teach us through everything like the story of “The Grinch” Cindy-Lou Who saw potential in the Grinch for good and brought it out. Someone who everyone else had written off, she saw hope for change and growth. That’s how God sees everyone. He sees them as redeemed through Jesus (christians) or as having the potential to be redeemed (pre-christians.)
God doesn’t look at us and say we are beyond hope, so why would we ever do that to someone else. We need to see people the way God does with the potential for a change of heart.
Do you think people knew who Jesus was as he grew up in front of them? Mary and Joseph knew and Mary’s cousin Elizabeth. But when did others notice that something was different about him?
Jesus choose to be born as a baby, to live as we live. He didn’t come to be worshiped and lifted up. He came to be a sacrifice for us.
He lived a normal life, he was born to normal people. He could of had whatever he wanted but he choose to be like the rest of us. He didn’t live an extravagant life or demand anything from anyone.
He came to serve, not be served and show us love in his every word and action. He came to be an example of love. Love is not about us but about how we care for and treat others. Jesus was never concerned about whether his needs would be met his focus was always on the people around him. So why do we think being loved is about us? If we love others by being more concerned about them then ourselves our Heavenly Father will take care of al our needs and shower us with his love. Just as he did for Jesus!
“My soul glorifies the Lord 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, 49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name. 50 His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. 51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. 52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. 53 He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful 55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.”
Mary rejoiced in her suffering. Yes she was blessed to carry the son of God but that didn’t come with welcome arms from her family, fiancé or community. Having a baby out of wedlock during her time period was punishable by being stoned to death or at the least being considered an outcast.
Mary knew all this could happen when she said yes to the angel. But she considered it a greater honor to carry Jesus inside her and took the risk of being ridiculed.
Her faith was why she was chosen.
We are all blessed with the opportunity to carry Jesus inside of us too because of his sacrifice. If Mary was willing to endure ridicule and being outcast and the possibility of being stoned. Why can’t we risk being made fun of for our faith.
God provides for what he call us to. Just like provided for Mary and Jesus. Trust him when he asks you to speak to someone and take a risk for Jesus. I bet you’ll be surprised at the outcome.
During this busy holiday season take the time to enjoy moments. Watch your kids decorate the tree or play in the snow. Have family dinner with no distractions. Or read a verse of the Christmas story each night before bed.
In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
8 And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
15 When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. 17 And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. 18 And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. Luke 2:1-20
Look for moments to enjoy this season, don’t just rush through to get to the next. Or you’ll miss the moments you can’t get back. What if the shepherds had been to busy. They would of missed Jesus. Slow down and look for the moments that matter.
When I think about Jesus birth I’m humbled. He could of been born in a palace or to the leader of the temple. But he choose based on people hearts, not their status or wealth.
Jesus could of had thousands of people worship him from the moment of his birth. Instead he choose to be born in humble surroundings with the very animals he created and honored by those who sought him.
Jesus doesn’t demand our worship. He accepts it freely when its given freely. So this season choose to worship him because he choose to save you.
God can teach us through anything if we let him. I love all the claymation Christmas movies and ‘The Year without a Santa Clause’ (1974) was running through my head the other day. In the story two brothers are quarreling too much to be generous enough to help Mrs. Claus. So she turns to their mother ‘mother nature,’ and the two brothers decide to compromise and help Mrs. Clause.
The Christmas season can easily become about the hustle and bustle of parties and getting gifts for everyone. Worrying if this family member will get along with that family member. Worrying about having the funds to provide gifts for everyone.
But that’s not what this season is truly about. Its about celebrating the King of Kings. So when you start to get caught up in your own stuff. Ask Jesus how he would handle it. How would he promote peace between family. How would he provide to bless people with a gift. I would even suggest you ask him what he would like to gift them with. Jesus knows us all and loves us all. So focus on him and he’ll guide you to get it all done with his peace and his wisdom.
Looking for a gift that shares your faith in Jesus check out Seeing God Designs!
When we feel inadequate or less than, we just need more of the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself said don’t do anything or go anywhere until you receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn’t do anything unless the Father did or said so through the Holy Spirit. So how can we expect do anything without him either.
The Fruit of the Spirit IS…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. (Galatians 5)
That means that when we let the Holy Spirit fill us and work through us we have all of these. We don’t need more patience or more kindness. We need more Holy Spirit. All of the attributes of the Holy Spirit are exuded through him together.
When God asks us to do something he provides what we need. It’s not our works but his. His faith, His power, His love. He is what makes all the difference. We are just the willing vessel for him to work through.
So stop saying ‘I can’t do it,’ ‘I don’t know how,’ ‘I don’t want to.’ Because God will give you the will, the wisdom and the passion to do what he has called you to do. We must simple do one thing.
Seek Him. Spend time with Him, let Him fill us up. Let Him work in and thru us to accomplish what He has called us to.
Today is a great day to put that into practice. As you go about your plans today look at your surroundings, at the people you are with and find new things to be thankful for.
You may find that you appreciate things or others more then you have in the past. Ask God to reveal to you how he see your friends and family, or if your alone ask him to show you what he would like you to do today.
Thankfulness is about perspective so change your perspective and let the joy of Jesus fill you.
When we get down about ourselves or our circumstances we have to remember to count our blessing instead. There is always something we can be grateful for. Even if it’s the simple things. Do you have somewhere to sleep? Be grateful. Do you have food to eat? Be grateful. We often take the simplest things for granted but there are many in this world that have an empty stomach and no where to sleep. If we allow ourselves to get lost in our sorrows we only make things worse and solve nothing.
But when we fix our eyes on Jesus he changes our perspective.
I’ve know two people that had the struggle of hunger and a safe place to sleep on a regular basis and they both had the sweetest disposition, were more focused on others well being then their own and they exuded the presence of Jesus. Our happiness isn’t dependent on our circumstances. Its dependent on whether we are focused on Jesus.
In the movie Prince Caspian, while Peter, Lucy, Edmond and Susan are making their way through the much changed land of Narnia they become lost. They tried to rely on what they knew, instead of calling on Aslan to help even to the point of ignoring Lucy when she sees him.
We can become like this too. When we’ve done something for a long time or feel we know what we are doing we forget about Jesus and asking Him for His guidance, help or even just His companionship. But in taking Him for granted we can veer off the path He intended us to take.
If we have faith like Lucy and look for His guidance He will show us new things and new ways to accomplish what we are doing even if we have done it time and time again.
When we yield ourselves to his leading things change. Our perspective, our attitude, our mood, all change to that of God.
Yielding to the Holy Spirit is a game changer!
That simple decision in each moment of each day. Can change our whole day if we stop for a second and listen. If we take that moment to make the Holy Spirit the most important thing in our lives. We can change how we speak and how we act towards our friends, our family, our co-workers and the world around us. Let the Holy Spirit be your game changer and see what he can do in and through you!
Mornings can be hard waking up thinking about all you have to do that day. It makes a lot of us want to go back to bed. What if we let God lead?
What if we let him direct our steps? And give us the energy, stamina, desire and plan for the day. He never intended for us to do life without him. So why do we keep trying?
Ask God his plan for your day? He created the universe, he can plan your day. You may think he doesn’t care about the little things, like brushing my teeth, but I beg to differ. He made you, he made your teeth, he cares about the small stuff too.
So ask him what his plan for your steps are today and let him lead. I think you’ll be surprised at how much more peaceful and productive your day is when you let him lead your steps.
I thank God for what he has done in my life. His sacrifice gave me the opportunity to start over, to build a new life, free from shame and guilt from my past mistakes.
That’s what Jesus did when he came to earth. He lived life as a servant and sacrificed his life for us. He never gave in to temptation but gave his life over willingly to take our place. We are that valuable to him that he gave everything for us, every moment of everyday of his life, even unto a death he didn’t deserve so that he could deliver us from darkness.
See it doesn’t matter what you’ve done, because Jesus forgives you. Don’t worry about thinking you have to clean up your act or change before you come to God. You come to him just as you are so that his sacrifice and his forgiveness can free you from guilt and shame and give you new life.
To know the character of God you need only look at the fruit of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Who wouldn’t want to be around someone that exudes all these all the time. God is personal and we get to have a deep intimate relationship with him. He is not far off and distant but close and intimate. My favorite moments with him are listening to songs like the one posted below and just letting his love surround me to feel that deep intimate closeness with him. Neither of has to say anything its just being in his presence that is enough.
He’s sweet and kind, comforting and peaceful with bouts of joy. He’s everything we need if we just surrender ourselves to him. Many people like to have a prayer closet or close the door to the bedroom. But I love open spaces with him. A walk in the woods or at home I prefer to be in our living room. For me I think its mental I don’t like to limit God or put him in a box so I think the spaces I enjoy with him most don’t have those limits. You can encounter God an have deep intimate moment with him anywhere (more open areas are just my preference.)
We each need this daily if possible. To have a moment in our day when we forget everything an just be in his presence. No reading requirement, no set time just a moment we steal away and make it all about being in his presence.
Take a moment, listen to the song in the video below and just let the words sink in and open your self up to feel God’s presence.
There’s no magic formula to prayer. Its just a conversation between you and God. Meaning you talk and he talks back. When we talk to God we should expect an answer. We are not just throwing our prayers into the air and saying well if he wants to he’ll do something. He wants to be with us, share with us and show us who he is and what he has planned for us. He wants our openness, our vulnerability, our mess, our fears and our worries. He wants to talk to us and let us know that he is all we need.
Why do we feel we have to fix ourselves or have just the right words to talk to him? He loves us and he wants to talk to us.
If we have to be all cleaned up just to talk to him. Then why did Jesus sacrifice himself for us? If we could achieve perfection then Jesus sacrifice was in vain. So why do we keep thinking we have to achieve it before we can talk to him.
God is our Heavenly Father and like any good father, he wants to be there for us even when we are at our worst, in fact especially then. That’s when we should depend on him the most, when we are at our worst. Because he is the one that can make it better, he can heal the hurts and the pain, and he has already forgiven us.
We need to stop trying to be perfect first and let him perfect us instead. Next time your at your worst or you don’t know what to do. Talk to God about it and listen for the answer.
When you think your life is worth more then others, you do not know love. ~Tauriel, The Battle of Five Armies
Jesus expressed his love for us not only by sacrificing his life on the cross but by the sacrifice he showed in his life daily. He could of come down as a grown man, taken up an earthly governmental throne and demanded praise. But he didn’t he came humbly, lived humbly and put others before himself.
Jesus didn’t think his life was too valuable to sacrifice, so how can we?
Sharing God’s love with others is when we put others first, show them honor and respect. Show them they are valuable.
That’s what Jesus did. He put our lives before his own, because we are valuable to Him.
One of the greatest life lessons I’ve learned was that I’m not above anything or anyone.
Years ago I worked at the church I grew up in, as an administrative assistant. The senior pastor helped me learn this lesson by the way he led.
He always said that he was not above anything, even down to picking up a gum wrapper off of the ground. Yes there were janitorial staff, but he was there so why wouldn’t he.
He modeled this everyday, he was always willing to stop whatever he was doing to help someone and he never shied away from helping set-up or tear down, he was always the last to leave and the last to eat.
I’ve applied this lesson everywhere in my life, by seeing myself as there to serve, in the workplace, in my home and in life. When I see an opportunity to help, I help. This has helped me to not become bitter or resentful more times then I can count.
Jesus considered himself a servant. So how can I consider myself above Jesus.
When you see opportunities to serve or help, look at them as opportunities to shine Jesus.
Would you act the way you act if Jesus were standing right next to you?
Regardless of the circumstance around us we are to represent Jesus in our words, our actions and reactions.
No one said Christianity would be easy or popular, but it will change you for the better if you let it.
We may be surrounded by opposition but that does not mean it has to change us. One of the biggest ways to witness to others is to let them see that we are faithful to representing the character of Jesus, even in the roughest circumstances.
No matter if people are screaming at us and telling us, we’re wrong, we know the truth. That God loves us and that He loves them too. That truth can move mountains.
When we don’t falter during the hard times we show others what God has to offer. That they can have the same peace in the storm and confidence that they are loved, that we do.
Regardless of the circumstances around us or the lack of support or encouragement. When we know God and His character and we will represent Him to others.
He will give a peace in the storm and the confidence to love others, because we are loved by Him.
Years ago I made a choice to drastically change my life and gave my life back to Jesus. The one thing that has been consistent in these past years is that my heart cry to God is “Thy Will be Done.”
I tried life without God and I screwed it up royally.
But when I made the choice to follow Jesus and made Him Lord of my life. I now ask Him what he wants, instead of what I want.
Every time I choose to trust God and follow His lead. He provides abundantly more than I could of imagined. The path to get there can sometimes feel uncertain, strange or even impossible, but God always provides.
There have been so many times in the past years that His way has proved better then what I would’ve chosen.
He has moved my husband and I all over the country, to multiple jobs, unemployment and through some rough financial patches. One constant reminder that God’s will is the better choice is my husband!
That’s right, I let God choose my husband!
My track record with picking boyfriends for myself was terrible, just ask my friends.
But when I choose to let God take the lead, I stopped dating and waited for God to bring me ‘the One’
I know it sounds crazy, but it worked.
My husband is the perfect partner for me and God has truly blessed me with little surprises in him that I didn’t even know I wanted or needed in a spouse.
It’ all because I said to God “Thy Will be done”
What has God been asking you to take a step of faith in?
Trusting God when you can’t see the end can be scary. But when you trust His leading you never know what you can accomplish.
In the movie Facing the Giants, the coach challenges a player to do a death crawl to the fifty yard line blindfolded. The player couldn’t see where he was but he trusted his coach’s direction and as he made his way across the field as his coach encouraged him to keep going even though he was tired and couldn’t see and wanted to quit. In the end he ended up going double the distance he was supposed to and ended up in the end zone.
When we trust God even though we may not understand. We can do more than we ever thought we could on on our own and can end up further then we ever thought we could go.
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. -John 15:1-8
REMAIN IN JESUS. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, that means that He bears the weight of us, He nourishes us, feeds us, waters us and roots us.
Without Him we are dead branches.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in knowledge that we actually ignore meaning. We become so focused on retaining the information that we don’t think about what it means.
Often, when we grow up in church, we hear phrases like “He is the vine, we are the branches” and we gloss over it.
But Jesus is the vine. That means we can do nothing for Him, without Him. Have you ever seen a branch on the ground bear fruit without being attached to the vine?
So why do we think we can do it on our own?
The vine feeds us, gives us water and roots us.
Jesus is the vine and He provides more for us then just food, water and shelter. He gives us life, confidence, love, peace, patience. I could go on…
He provides everything for us.
Anytime I’m having a bad day it’s because I didn’t go to Jesus for nourishment. I can have the same exact day and if I started my day with nourishment (wisdom, guidance, strength, patience) from Jesus, I will not have a bad day. Because He is with me, He lifts me up to bear fruit instead of fear.
Life without Jesus produces fear, fear of the unknown, fear of survival. Wondering, how you will provide? Why else would we go to work, but to provide for ourselves and our families.
But when we are in the vine, Jesus takes care of all your needs so we can bear fruit.
When we remain in Jesus, focused on him, letting him live through us. Bearing fruit becomes a bi-product of our relationship with him. Have you ever had a friend that just encourages you to be kinder, nicer and more generous then you would if you were alone. That’s Jesus. When we allow him to be our focus we will help that stranger, pick-up that piece of trash, put others before ourselves, because that is who Jesus is and that is bearing fruit.