Sometimes we can be worried about what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. So here’s my question. Whatever your doing or saying, can you do it with Jesus? Can you say it to Jesus?
I am not perfect and I can honestly say that their are moments when I couldn’t say I would be proud to have Jesus with me when I’ve said somethings, or put my self first before others.
But the reality is that if we believe, then he is with us every moment. He’s with us when we brush our teeth, when we yell at the driver in front of us, and when we hold the door open for the next person.
He’s always with us so why don’t we act like it.
Honestly I think we forget sometimes, but what if we lived are lives like we we never alone, like he was always with us, not as this overwhelming presence, but as our constant companion, someone who is always here to help us, to uplift and encourage us, so that we are never alone. He’s our best friend to protect when we’re scared or intimidated, to love us at our worst and celebrate with us at our best.
See your life different, as never before, as never alone. But with Jesus always.