Count Your Blessings Instead

When we get down about ourselves or our circumstances we have to remember to count our blessing instead. There is always something we can be grateful for. Even if it’s the simple things. Do you have somewhere to sleep? Be grateful. Do you have food to eat? Be grateful. We often take the simplest things for granted but there are many in this world that have an empty stomach and no where to sleep. If we allow ourselves to get lost in our sorrows we only make things worse and solve nothing.

But when we fix our eyes on Jesus he changes our perspective.

I’ve know two people that had the struggle of hunger and a safe place to sleep on a regular basis and they both had the sweetest disposition, were more focused on others well being then their own and they exuded the presence of Jesus. Our happiness isn’t dependent on our circumstances. Its dependent on whether we are focused on Jesus.

Jesus is All We Need

The best part about Jesus is that he is what we are not. So when we say we don’t it feel like, that’s ok, we don’t have to, because he is what we are not. He is our strength, our peace, our joy he is all need.

We have to stop trying to be what we think God wants us to be and let him be in us what he is.

When we surrender our lives over to him we need to fill that up with something but we often make the mistake of filling up on the things that got us to where we were in the first place before Jesus.

We need to fill up on Jesus, to fix our eyes on what draws us closer to him, not further from him. We all have this problem of trying to imitate God instead of letting him be God in us.

We need to get out of the way.

If his intention was to have us fix ourselves, then why did he sacrifice his life for us.

Don’t say well that’s just the way I am. Because when you gave your life over to God you gave up that person, to be the person he created you to be.

That person is loving and peaceful and fearless and joyful.

So stop saying less of me and more of him and say none of me and all of him.

Change the atmosphere

The beauty of the kingdom of God is that’s its infinite and we don’t have to strive to bring his kingdom to this world.

When we accepted Jesus into our hearts, when we accepted his loving sacrifice, he came to live in us. When we allow the Holy Spirit to flow thru us and stop trying to do it on our own. Peace and joy can abound through us.

God’s presence is amazing and beautiful, peaceful and joyful all at once.

When we bring God into a situation he changes the atmosphere.

When we allow him to build his kingdom in and through us, nothing can hinder us, when we give him full freedom in our lives he gives us freedom.

When Jesus said he would destroy the temlpe and rebuild it in three days, he did. He destroyed the temple and tore the veil so that we all can experience his presence. When he rose from the grave he built his kingdom in our hearts, so that he can be everywhere and in all of us.

No matter where you are, if you have Jesus in your heart his kingdom is always with you. Share his love and peace, his grace and beauty, his peace and joy with everyone around you, because he is always with you.