Peace in our hearts is something we all desire.
But how do you get it, when there is always something, to worry about.
Simple. God’s peace surpasses our worldly concerns. It may sound crazy, but he created us and he created this world, so his peace can supersede our worries and concerns.
So how do we get his peace?
We trust him and give our worries and concerns over to him.
His peace, is like shifting the responsibility over to him. You know that feeling when you feel overwhelmed with a task, like it will never end and you have no idea how to accomplish it. Then your boss comes to you and says you were never meant to worry or deal with that task in the first place.
That’s how God’ peace feels, that immediate relief, that lift of tension and stress.
God never meant for us to bear our own burdens, he came so that he could relieve that stress and give us his peace.
Stop living as if you have to do it all on your own, because you we’re never meant to, we are meant to life live in peace, because we are menat to live life with Jesus 24/7.