Love is meant to GROW

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight

Philippians 1:9 NIV

We should always be growing in our relationships with God and with others. It’s when we stop that we feel stuck or stagnant. We should fall head over heels in love more and more as time goes by.

Marriage is not the end its the beginning of a beautiful journey of discovery together.

When we begin our relationship with God we don’t all the sudden know everything about him. We still have to build a relationship. And as we learn about him we grow to love him more.

Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash

It’s the same with our spouses. Yes, we got to know each other before we got married and that why we got married. But we have to continue that adventure of knowing each others.

Because love grows.

We should be overjoyed to learn new thing about God, because we love him. Just as we should in marriage. We should be learning more and more about each other and falling deeper in love with each other.

That’s why God uses marriage as an example of his relationship with us. Both relationships are supposed to be deep, intimate and always growing.

Someone to be vulnerable, open and raw with

Life today is so much about appearance; we only show what we want others to see, we crop out the reality of life to project what’s expected, we add effects and filters, but often feel no one really knows the true us. .

Deep down all seeking a relationship where we can be ourselves, raw, open, vulnerable and unfiltered.

God is that person, He knows us, the good and the bad, the raw, the ugly. He knows it all, every little moment, every thought, every emotion, He knows us inside and out and He love us still, He held back nothing to know us. He gave His whole life; just to show His love for us.

Because of this love we can be open, honest and vulnerable with Him, He can handle it, in fact He loves the moments when we just surrender to Him. That’s when He can reach us the most, when we have no barriers with Him, He can express His love for us the most.

Go to Him with your problems big or little, go to Him with your worst, most broken moments and let Him be all you need. Let Him put you back together and build you up stronger.

God’s love concurs fear

The love of God transform us. It gives us boldness, strength and confidence in the toughest moments. God’s love not only cancels fear, it removes it. God’s love is all encompassing.

It gave David the strength to face Goliath, Daniel the stamina to face the lion den and Shadrach, Mesach and Abednigo the confidence to face the fire.

God’s love gives us all we need to face or overcome the trials we face in life. He gives us peace in the storm when we fix our eyes on Him. Like Peter walking on the water. When he had his gaze fixed on Jesus he was able to do what defied logic and understanding. But when Peter took his gaze off of Jesus and focused on the storm around him (his circumstances) he began to sink. So no matter what your surrounded by fix your gaze on Jesus and He’ll teach you to walk on the water and find peace that surpasses understanding.

Love above all

Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

Colossians 3:14

Love is what bind us together, love heals us, love fulfills us.

We can have all we ever wanted in life but if we don’t have love, we will still be lacking.

We can try to do and be the humblest, most compassionate, kindest, gentlest, most patient and forgiving person. But if we don’t have love we will only be striving instead of thriving.

Love shows us others as God sees them, love gives us the drive to put others first, love fulfills us so that we don’t need the approval of others.

Love is all we need.

Joy, Hope & Peace

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

—Romans 15:13

Nowhere here does it say we have to manufacture our own joy, peace and hope. But that it does comes from trusting in God. I don’t put my hope in myself because I will fail myself. I don’t find my peace from within. I find peace and hope in God through the Holy Spirit. And God’s peace and hope gives me joy.

What a relief that is, we don’t have to find joy, hope or peace in ourselves but we can trust to find it in the one that is bigger then us, stronger, kinder, more generous and loves us beyond our understanding.

We can go to our daddy, our Abba, our Heavenly Father on our worst and our best day and he will still always welcome us with a huge hug and a smile and provide all we need.