What fills you?

Soaking is a term meaning to literally sit in God’s presence and soak it in. You don’t have to pray or sing or do anything. Just sit and let everything go, all your worries all your concerns, all your pain and frustration and just let him be enough for it all.

If you’ve never tried it, I want to encourage you to put on your favorite worship music and just let everything go and let God fill you up with his peace, joy, love and presence. Let the words flow over you like a river and let God melt away and your worries and concerns. Because he is more than enough!

Do you know God or just about him?

How do you know God? Who is he to you? What comes to you when he’s mentioned? Is it joy? Is it peace? Is it love?

Do you know him or do you know what others have said about him? What has shaped your image of him?

Knowing about others perception of God and actually knowing him are two very different things. Think of it this way. If someone asked you to describe someone famous that you admire but have never met in person how would you describe them? It would be from what you’ve read or watched or learned about them from various sources of those that have met them in person. But then if I asked you to describe the person you are closest to (your spouse or best friend) you would describe them differently because you have physically been around them, you’ve spent time in their presence. You’ve been with them for your best and worst moments in life and you could probably finish each others sentences. The later is the type of relationship God desires with us. He wants us to know him, so intimately that we know how he would react to different situations.

So what if you don’t have that type of relationship with God. Well you can. Start spending time with him not to study or learn but just to be with him. To learn his character, his speech, his mannerisms, his presence. So that we know him instantly.

Struggling to hear his voice. I highly recommend you check out Voice Of God