You Are Not Alone

When you feel defeated, knocked down, like no one is in your corner. Jesus is always there for you. He always has your back. He will go to bat for you because He already did when lived a sinless life and died to pay for our mistakes.

He’s forever on our side.

Jesus is always there for us.

We can always talk to Him. He will always listening, because He loves us.

He loves us so much that He gave everything for us. He gave every second of everyday for us. He gave up His life for US!

He’s forever on our side.

God Loves YOU

Yesterday I talked about having the faith in God to make the big sacrifices and that, that starts with conversation, with talking to God.

But there is so much more, it’s more then taking to him its about knowing him. I have trusted God when he asks me to make big leaps of faith because I know him.

I know that he loves me and that he will not let harm come to me. I know that he has brought me through some crazy impossible situations and that he will continue to do so. Because I know him

I know that he is loving, kind and gentle, that he provides all my needs when I trust him and that he never leaves me.

Jesus made his acrifice because he loves us and wants us to know him.

Take a chance and give him a chance to show you just how much he loves you.

Forever on Your side

I’m not going to even begin to think that I have all the answers. But the one thing that I know for sure is that God is forever on our side. I know that his love for us never ends and that he is always there for us no matter what.

He was there when I made less then wise decisions, he was there when I choose to ignore him and he is there for me now. He is always there for all of us all the time. We choose whether to let him in or not.

He’s been there for me in some of the hardest moments of my life and he’s been there for the good times too.

When I was young I was really shy and I had very low confidence in my self. But as I’ve grown to know God deeper and more intimately, I have grown in confidence and assurance of who I am. Because I know who he made me to be and that he gives me everything I need to achieve the goals he’s laid on my heart and he’s there for me when I fail too.

God’s love is not dependent on our behavior its always there, but we have to allow him in. We have to allow him to show us who he made us to be. When you find your identity in Jesus it opens new doors and opportunities that you never knew existed and give you the confidence to succeed.

Give him the chance to show you that he’s forever on your side.