When I was young, I was shy, insecure, lacking confidence, always looking for approval and to feel wanted.
But when I found my identity in Jesus I changed. As I got to know Him and his love. My confidence grew because I knew who was behind me, supporting me. Knowing God loved me no matter what, that he would always protect me, keep me safe and never leave. My confidence grew because it was in him and who he is, not me.
When we know God’s love for us, it bolsters us, gives us strength and confidence to be who he made us to be. That’s why spending time with Him and learning who he is, is so important. It gives us the confidence to do and be who he made us to be. His children. To know the one who’s standing behind us.
We are each so important to God. He wants to spend every moment of everyday with us and he will defend us even to death, because he already did.
That’s love and that’s where my confidence, joy and peace come from. They come from the one who gave up everything for me.
God wants to have a deep, intimate, personal relationship with every single member of humanity. He is our creator and he loves each and every one of us, that is who we find our confidence in, the one who loves us, all of us.