Amazing Grace

To the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

Ephesians 1:6

There is no greater gift then Gods grace. It gives us all new life, a fresh start and the deepest most intense love of our lives.

Listen to this song and just have moment with Jesus and appreciate his grace in your life.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, the classic song that most people know, is one of my favorites because of what it means.

God’s amazing grace that saved, a wretch like me. Every time I hear this song, I want to sing it.

Everyone who has ever lived, except Jesus has done something wrong at some point in their life and needs forgiveness for something.

God’s grace does just that. He forgives us for everything we have ever done wrong. He wipes our slate clean and makes us white as snow before God.

I know I’ve done plenty of things wrong in my life, but He forgave me and made me new in Him. Because of His forgiveness I get a do over, a fresh start, I get to be new in Him.

Often I find memories of my past that try to come back to haunt me. But I know that, that person died on the cross with Jesus. I am no longer that person, because Jesus makes me new and clean with His grace and forgiveness.

Next time you find yourself caught up in your past mistakes, surrender them over to Jesus and let Him remind you that, that person died on the cross with Him and that He lives through you.