What’s your legacy?

I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you. I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare.  For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.  But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel.  I hope, therefore, to send him as soon as I see how things go with me.  And I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.

Philippians 2:19-24

When we are in leadership we should be the example of how to serve others and how to put others before ourselves. We should be cheering on those that we are leading. Guiding them to achieve more then we have. How else can we grow if we don’t encourage others to go further then we have.

Paul saw the potential in Timothy and Timothy was sent to help the Philippians. The Philippians in turn were to lead others to learn about the gospel.

If you are a leader in anyway, as a boss, parent, mentor or coach. Your legacy should be that you taught others how to do what you do better then you do it.

Paul was a leader in the early church and he never lorded it over anyone, he lead by example and humbled himself over and over again.

What legacy will you leave behind? What will people say they learned from you?

Where I find my confidence

When I was young, I was shy and insecure, lacking confidence, always looking for approval and to feel wanted.

But when I found my identity in Jesus and I got to know Him, to know His love and His unconditional love. Knowing God loved me no matter what, that He would always protect me, keep me safe and never leave. That’s when I found my confidence. My confidence grew because it was in Him and who He is, not me.

When we know God’s love for us, it bolsters us, gives us strength and confidence to be who He made us to be. That’s why spending time with Him and learning who He is, is so important. It gives us the confidence to do and be who He made us to be. His children.

We are each so important to God. He wants to spend every moment of everyday with us and He will defend us even to death, because He already did.

That’s love and that’s where my confidence and joy and peace come from. They come from the one who gave up everything to be with me, to be with you. To have a deep, intimate, personal relationship with every single member of humanity. He is our creator and He loves each and every one of us, that is who we find our confidence in, the one who loves us, all of us.

Nerves are good for leaders

“I don’t think I’m ready” ~Prince Caspian 

“It for that very reason you are” ~Aslan

Often when we don’t feel ready to do what God calls us to, it’s then that we are ready. Because it’s that insecurity in ourselves that makes us depend on Him. So we cannot boast in ourselves but in Him alone.

One of my teachers when I first started preaching, reminded me that nerves are good when preaching, because it keeps us conscious of God, His will, His words and His direction. If we were completely confident in ourselves, we would have no need for Him. But it’s because we know our own imperfection and instead find our confidence in Him, that we can shine Him best.

Don’t let nerves hold you back from what you know God has called you to instead, use those nerves to depend on Him and shine God to others not ourselves.

Expressing Jesus (part 2)

Suppose the foot says, “I am not a hand. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body.  And suppose the ear says, “I am not an eye. So I don’t belong to the body.” By saying this, it cannot stop being part of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell?  God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be.  If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body?  As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body.

 The eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” In fact, it is just the opposite. The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are the ones we can’t do without.  The parts that we think are less important we treat with special honor. The private parts aren’t shown. But they are treated with special care.  The parts that can be shown don’t need special care. But God has put together all the parts of the body. And he has given more honor to the parts that didn’t have any.  In that way, the parts of the body will not take sides. All of them will take care of one another.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy.

1 Corinthians 12:15-26

(read part 1)

When you look at people, look at them through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to show you how He sees them.

Each one of us is a part of the body of Jesus, so we all matter. Every person on the planet is given the opportunity to be a part of the body of Jesus.

Therefore we all are important!

There is not a person on this planet that isn’t important to God.

So why do we treat each other with so much callus and disregard?

Everyone matter to Him, so they should matter to us.

That may sound overwhelming. But if you have the Holy spirit guiding you its not as daunting as it seems.

Kindness can go a long way. Like the small things, opening a door for someone, even something as simple as a smile (even when you think you’re having a bad day) can go a long way for the person you are kind to, you never know it could be the worse day of their life and you made it better just by being kind.

Trust the Hoy Spirit and let Him lead you to be a light to someone, you never know the difference you could make till you try.

Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash


God’s presence is the place where we find ourselves. He sees the mess and gives us the grace to overcome it and get out of it. He doesn’t want us to shove it aside or stuff it deep inside or try to fix it on our own. He wants it to be resolved and no longer affect us. So we don’t have to be ruled by our past mistakes or even the mistakes of others.

We get to choose.

Choose to let God’s grace be enough for us and for others. When we forgive, we free ourselves from being slaves to bitterness, anger, resentment and rage. It can no longer have power over us; because we won’t let it.

Finding our identity in Jesus makes us more us than we were before. He uniquely designed each of us and He know exactly what gifts and talents He gave us; to be and do what He designed us for.

When we choose to let God’s grace to be enough we are free to be who He intended us to be. To be loved, strong and confident and not held down; but to soar above the storms.

What binds your marriage?

A good marriage has to be worked at and fought for, it’s easy to take your spouse for granted because of the natural ease that brought you together in the first place.

Just because something is easy and comfortable, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be cared for. The movie Fireproof is a great example of how going though the motions and taking advantage of a comfortable situation can result in collapse.

Marriage is a bond that makes the two, one. Your spouse is your other half and when you neglect them, it’s like not taking care of yourself.

I have to be honest, I don’t have a perfect marriage, and I don’t always put my husband first. But when I do, I never regret it. I have, regretted not putting him first and neglecting him.

A strong marriage has to be built and maintained. But it also has to have something that binds you together. God is that binder. Putting God at the center of your marriage draws you closer to Him and each other.

Photo by Gabby Orcutt on Unsplash

An honest moment

Its easy to give up and feel discouraged. To feel like no one is listening. No one is reading, no one cares. I haven’t written as much as I would like lately, some do to moving across the country and some due to discouragement, wondering if any one is actually reading, am I really making a difference.

Honestly I started this blog because I knew I needed a platform for the books I know God’s given me to write, not because God told me to start a blog. But God has used it to teach me so much and how to share His love, even if it reaches one person, that one person matters. His love for us is not performance based. We don’t have to do anything for God to love us.

So whatever God has asked you to do. Know that it’s never conditional on His love but if we love Him, what He’s asked of us will deepen our love for Him and help us know His love more.

People make mistakes

Don’t let others miss representation of God deter you from knowing Him yourself.

Many people have walked away from their faith in God because they were hurt by other believers or believe that God betrayed them.

Just because others have represented God falsely, does not mean that is who He is. Don’t let others perception be your own. Seek the truth about God from God, only He can truly represent Himself in His entirety.

People are human and we all make mistakes, I make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.

I walked away from my faith when I was 18 because I felt at the time that my spiritual leaders were more concerned with bringing others to Jesus, then helping me through the things I was facing at the time.

I was WRONG. But that was my perception and interpretation at the time.

The truth is they didn’t help me because they didn’t know, I didn’t tell anyone. Instead I started looking to those outside the faith for my solutions and they provided nothing other then distractions to avoid my problems, rather then face them.

When I came back to my faith in God, I had more problems, not less. Life without God was miserable, I was always seeking the approval of others and digging my self into a deeper and deeper hole to do it.

Giving my life back to God gave me peace and freedom that I had not know during my time away from Him. God surrounded me with His love and forgiveness and brought many people into my life to encourage me to grow in my faith.

If you are questioning God I encourage you to go to scripture, flip open your Bible and begin reading. Don’t have a bible visit Biblegateway.com and randomly pick a verse. Talk to someone you respect for how they represent God and ask the hard questions. Talk to God and give Him your hard questions, but don’t forget to listen for the answer.

God is there and He loves you and He wants to talk to you. Give Him a chance. Don’t let other be the reason you don’t make up your own mind, make your own choices.

Happy Fourth of July

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,  for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,  who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:1-4

Regardless of your opinion of our leaders, we are called to pray for them. Whether we agree with them or not.

As I said in a on previous post the best way to change someone, is to pray for them.

So take a moment today and pray for our leaders.

Shine Bright

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 

—2 Corinthians 4:6

Have you ever noticed how lights seem brighter in the dark. Like Christmas lights they shine brighter and more beautiful in the dark. 

Gods light is like this, he shines in and through us as we grow in relationship with him and choose to let him shine instead of us. When we are in a dark situation he can be that light and shine for us and to others, showing them the way out of the darkness. 

So we should not fear the darkness, but look at it as an opportunity to shine Jesus brighter. 

The name of JESUS

Speaking the name of Jesus out loud is powerful, it brings an emotional response from us. Some fear, some worry, some peace, some joy, his name invokes something inside us.

We each have a different response when we hear his name.

But we can only truly know him, if we develop a relationship with him.

I can tell you all day about how amazing he is, that he’s completely changed my life. I can tell you how hearing his name brings so much peace and joy to my heart when I hear it that it can be overwhelming at times.

But you can never truly know him, till you know him yourself.

Everyone MATTERS

Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.

Colossians 4:7

We should celebrate and encourage each other in our faith in Jesus. Whether someone is ministering to thousands, hundreds or just one. They matter, we all matter. God has given each of us a gift and a unique way to reach people.

Billy Graham gave his life to Jesus because a shoe sales man told him about Jesus. We never know what our impact will be unless we try.

God gave each of us a new life, a new beginning and we need to share that with others. We never know who we’re talking to; it could be the next Billy Graham or we could be the next Billy Graham but regardless the only way anyone will know God and let him change their lives is if we share what he’s done for us.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Who influences you?

As the new year begins I encourage to make the same decision I did years ago; to surrender your life to Jesus. It can sound scary and intimating but it is truly the best decision I ever made.

I lived for years trying to do everything on my own, striving to try to achieve what I thought I wanted. But even when I achieved some of my goals they fell short of what I thought they would be.

Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

But when I surrendered my life to God he changed everything. He gave me love and confidence to be who he made me to be. He gave me career opportunities I never would have picked for myself that turned out to be just what I needed and he picked the perfect husband for me, one that I never would of picked myself but is the perfect match for me. And he has blessed me in so many other ways in my life in ways I never thought I needed or wanted but were just what I needed when I needed it.

When we try to achieve our own goals we are influenced by others that have the same thing, but when we let God guide us he has already prepared a path for us that we probably would never of expected but is better then we ever could of thought.

Give God your dreams, your desires and your life and let him bless you beyond your belief.

But as for me, behold, I am in your hands. Do with me as seems good and right to you.

Jeremiah 26:14

There’s always HOPE

Imagine the world before Jesus was born.

I can’t imagine a world with out the ability to have a personal relationship with him.

As the celebration of his birth approaches there are a million things running through my mind, a million uncertainties so many unknowns that worry and scary me. But the one constant is Jesus.

I am beyond grateful that no matter what happens in life the he is always there for me. No matter what I know that he has me. He will take care of my every need, worry and concern.

How do I know this? Because he’s done it before countless times. And I know he will again.

So no matter your thoughts this Christmas thank Jesus for who is he.

Because we can always find hope in him, just like when its hard to see because the skies are grey and cloudy and the outlook looks bleak. But when the sun comes out it sheds light on things and we can she the beauty where we may have missed it before.

Jesus is the light of the world, look for him to change your perspective.

Photo by Roman Trofimiuk on Unsplash

no more fear

We should not be afraid to share our faith in God, we should shout it from the rooftops. There is nothing wrong with it and we should not be afraid to share it. Our faith in Jesus changed our lives and we should share that.

Our fear comes from worry or fear of acceptance, but we are sharing about our God who takes those away from us. He came to give us peace, love and confidence and that’s what we should share.

Bring Heaven now

As believers in Jesus its easy to look to heaven as the solution; to think that we just have to suffer till we get to heaven. But Jesus never intended for us to live this life alone.

Heaven can be here on earth now if we look for it, if we focus on Jesus. One of my favorite questions that I first heard from Graham Cooke is “What do you want to be for me now?”

Heaven is free of pain and hurt yes, but its also full of worship. So we worship while we wait, we worship while we wait for the healing, we worship while we wait for the provision or the answer. Worship brings heaven to us and worship opens us up to letting God lead. Its in worship that we surrender all our worries and concerns.

So no matter what we are going through, worship through it. Give God the glory and ask him ‘what he wants to be for you now?’

The reason behind

When we face times of stress or trials in life it’s easy to give up and give in to temptation for quick fixes that scratch an itch or satisfy for a moment but leave us feeling guilty and full of regret in the long term. 

But because we know God loves us and he has a plan for us and that plan is way  better then what might be right in front of us. We don’t take those quick fixes.

We trust that his plan is better, that because he loves us he will provide. It seems counter cultural, but it’s the way he designed us. He has given each of us passions and skills. But they are meant to be used to share his love with others not for selfish gain or ambition.

Who’s leading?

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother

Colossians 1:1

The apostle Paul was only who he was by the grace of God and the encouragement of others believers, like Timothy. If we try to do what God calls us to do and be who He calls us to be without Him. We will fail.

What He asks us to do and who He asks us to be can’t be done without Him. It’s only by God’s grace and love that we can move mountains.

Paul was a great apostle he wrote a third of the new testament and shared God’s love with thousands. But when Paul tried to accomplish what he thought God wanted without God he persecuted those he would later in life called friends.

When we try to do things for God without the leading of the Holy Spirit, they can be good, but they will not accomplish anywhere near what we could if we followed God’s leading. A lot of terrible things have been done in the name of God that he never asked for or wanted.

The leading of the Holy Spirit is imperative and necessary to living for God.

He leads and guides us moment by moment, He gives us the words to say, direction to go, wisdom for decisions and joy and strength to accomplish His leading.

Look to Jesus in your daily life and He will move mountains.

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

He holds it all together

God knows what were going through, he knows ever ache and pain, every anguish and He’s in it with us holding our hand, leading us, guiding us, holding us, because He always knows what we need, when we need it.

He’s with us when were having our worst day and our best day. He will comfort us when we need it and rejoice with us in our triumph’s. God does life with us, because He is our life. He’s our constant companion, our best friend and the one who loves us most. We need only to focus our attention on Him.

Love without condition

We all want to be loved without conditions or expectations. So why would we assume God would want anything else?

Yes, we love God because of what he’s done for us, but we should love him for who he is.

When you are with the one you love you don’t need anything else, but just to be with them. Our love for God should be the same, because his love is the same for us.

He wants nothing more than to spend all eternity with us or he wouldn’t have given everything to make it possible.

Seek him for him and appreciate the joy of just his presence.

Glory to God in the Highest

Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth. This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all the people were on their way to register for the census, each to his own city. Now Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,  in order to register along with Mary, who was betrothed to him, and was pregnant.  While they were there, the time came for her to give birth.  And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock at night.  And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood near them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. And so the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people;  for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”  And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army of angels praising God and saying,

 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among people with whom He is pleased.”

 When the angels had departed from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let’s go straight to Bethlehem, then, and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” And they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. When they had seen Him, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. And all who heard it were amazed about the things which were told them by the shepherds.  But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.  And the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.

Luke 2:1-20

You can’t earn His love

In life we seek out love, we pursuit it, we desire it from our friends, family, and others but somehow it is never enough.

No matter who it’s from or how much we love someone, their love for us will never be enough. This is because we are meant to only be truly 100% fulfilled by God’s love. He created us and made us with a God shaped hole that can only be fulfilled by Him.

My whole life I pursued unconditional love from friends, family and others, hoping that I would find that person that filled the void.

But I never found that fulfillment from a person. And even though I have an amazing husband, what bonds us together the most is that we both came into our marriage knowing that only God could fulfill us. That’s why I call my husband the cherry on top of my sundae, because he’s the bonus, the blessing above the fulfillment I get from the love of God.

God’s love is the only love that has ever made me feel complete and wanting nothing. In His presence, He is all I want and all I need.

We can’t earn His love because He gives it freely.

God loves you! What could you lose by giving Him a chance to share His love for you with you?

Don’t quit

I grew up as a Christian, but I had periodic God encounters, instead of a relationship with him. So I quit for six years. I didn’t have an everyday relationship with God, I just went from experience to experience and fended for myself in-between.

That is no way to live, of course I sought other alternative, because I didn’t really know him. I knew about him and had a few amazing moments with him, but I didn’t know him.

But once I realized I couldn’t do life without God, I began that journey into a daily relationship with him. That’s what matters, that’s what makes the difference, that everyday conversation with him.

God compares our relationship with him to marriage. You wouldn’t have much of a marriage if you didn’t at the very least talk to your spouse everyday. So how can you have a healthy relationship with God if you don’t talk to him everyday.

I don’t mean for this to feel exhaustive. Because having relationship with God is anything but, because he is the one the fills us up, restores us and makes us new.

So no matter how tired, how exhausted or even how unwell you feel you can always talk to him, because he is enough in our weakest moments he is all we need.

Serve without complaining

 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky  as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.  But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.  So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.

Phillipians 2:14-18

We are meant to stand out by our words and by our actions. We are to be know by how we react. We should have peace in times of trouble and pour our lives out for others.

Jesus never complained, he served people without prejudice or regard for himself, and we should do the same. Not out of obligation, but out of love. We are to serve, to demonstrate his love to others, to stick out like stars in the sky because of our compassion.

If you are serving or volunteering out of obligation or because you think it will earn you points with God. Stop.

Ask God how he wants you to help others and ask him to show you those you serve the ways he sees them.

I have been on many missions trips and seen destitution and poverty but I have also learned from the people I have served because I saw them as equals. Don’t serve people because you see them as less fortunate, uneducated or less then you. Serve because he asked you to and learn from those you serve.

We are all people and we all have the capacity to share God’s love with each other.

Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

worship in Thanks

Thanksgiving is tomorrow!

One of my favorite days of the year.

I love gathering with family and helping prepare a huge meal for us all.

A thought, is to go into this season with thanksgiving to God for the family and friends he’s given you.

Don’t shy away from talking about him tomorrow, in fact I highly encourage trying to make him the focus of your thanksgiving. Maybe even take time out to sing a song of worship to him.

A family I hold dear to sings “O’Come let us adore him” before family meals.

It sounds weird but it brings so much joy and peace into the atmosphere of the room.

Try something different this year, be bold for Jesus and make him the center of the day of thanksgiving.

Here’s a song to start off

Find rest

When you feel like your drowing in problems its easy to get wrapped up in them and think it will never end.

But the truth is there is always someone who has worse problems then you.

The best way to get over or through your problems is to give them over to God and try to help someone else.

When we trust him to provide it gives him permission to work in our lives. When we cling to our problems, we hold them back from him.

Releasing them shifts our focus to helping instead of hurting.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-29

Treat everyday like Christmas morning

Seeking God just for who is, not for what he’s done or what you want him to do but just for who he is.

Spending time with him just because of who he is. Seeking him as a long lost friend you haven’t seen in a long time, with the joy and anticipation of his arrival, the nervous joy that builds up, the disregard for decorum when you embrace them at first sight.

We should seek God the same way each day, when we wake, treat each day like your a kid on Christmas morning, looking for the gifts he has for you that day, the joy of being in his presence the delight in opening up the surprises he has for us and the relief of being able to just rest in his presence.

What others say

It’s so easy to get caught up in our thoughts. To become overwhelmed and insecure when we turn to our own opinion of ourselves or others opinions of us.

But the only opinion that should matter is Jesus, what he says is what matters.

He says we are loved, we are strong, we belong.

If you depend on getting your value from others you will always feel like your not enough. But Jesus says your priceless.

He paid everything for you, because he loves you

Today I had a rough day at work everything that could go wrong went wrong and by the end of the day I was stressed and tired because I had left Jesus out of the equation. I didn’t focus on him.

But on the way home I heard You Say by Lauren Daigle, and I knew what I needed to write about today.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about us. What matters is what Jesus says and he says we are loved.

Take a moment and refocus your thoughts as you listen to this song. Let the words speak to you and let Jesus remind you of who he made you to be.

Share Peace and Joy

This Christmas season is a time to celebrate Jesus and what he has done for us.

We should be proud and joyous about how he changed our lives and be elated to share it with others so they can find the ame joy and peace.

During this season we sing about his joy and peace the most. Why not share it with others and ask if they want to know his peace and joy too?

O Holy Night

Listening to O Holy Night, always helps me to stop and focus on Jesus to feel the peace and calm that he brings to the atmosphere, to remember that Christmas is about him and bringing glory to our savior.

He changed everything that night when he choose to come down to earth not as a king, but as a baby, to humble himself and live a life of service to his people.

Jesus didn’t come down to be served but to serve. He came to restore relationship between us and father God. 

To show us love.

Thankfulness is about perspective

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
—Psalm 118:24

Thankfulness builds joy. Just saying the word brings a smile to my face. There is always something to be thankful for, the sun on your face, the song of a bird near by, the beauty of the trees turning.

Somewhere in some way in your life God is always looking to bless you, to share his love for you, with you.

Thankfulness is about perspective. We can choose to be miserable and focus on what we don’t have or we can choose to find joy regardless of our circumstances.

We all have had times of need and of abundance, but its how we react that make the difference. We should be thankful in all things big or small blessings. Each day we wake up we can be thankful we have life. Each day is an opportunity to change our perspective.

Do you have firm foundation?

“Build My Life” by Pat Barrett, sung by Allison L’Ecuyer @allisonlecuyermusic

What we build our life on matters. Any builder will tell you the foundation is crucial. If it’s not firm and level the building will not last. 

Our foundation is Jesus. He’s rock solid but when we mix other things in with him as our foundation we degrade the quality of our foundation. Making it easier to falter in storms and sink or lean over time.

But if Jesus is our only foundation then we will stand through the storm and time will show just how unchanging He is. His love for us is the same for all eternity and for every moment of every day.

He doesn’t change, our dependence and trust in Him is what changes. When He is not our focus and we allow other things in instead of Him we will falter.

That’s the power of free will that He gave us. We choose just how much or how little of Him that we want in our lives. If we want to stand firm on Him as our foundation then He must be the start, middle and end of our day. Our focus must be on Him and He will guide us through our day.

You may think I don’t have all day to spend in prayer. But that’s the beautiful thing about the Holy Spirit He is with us everywhere, all day, wherever we go. So start your day with a quick devotion, listen to songs, sermons, or podcasts that fix your mind on Him while getting ready for your day. Talk with Jesus as your drive to work or ask your kids what Jesus is teaching them as you take them to school. Rest in God’s presence on your lunch break. When you’re stressed ask God’s advice on how to fix it. Ask Him what to make or pick up for dinner. Ask whoever you live with what God taught them today. Read a Bible story to your kids at night, pray over them and have them pray over you too. Make your life all about Jesus in and through your daily life.

We don’t have to stop life to spend time with Jesus, we just need to include Him in it.

Worshiping God with Everything

“The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless.” – Billy Graham 

Worship is not limited to a song or a worship service. There are many forms of worship to engage, such as our service to others and our giving, but the list can certainly go on and on. One does not need to wait till 10 AM on Sunday morning to begin the worship experience. It begins before you arrive at church. Worship begins when you start your day simply by acknowledging the Father and His greatness. Worship cannot be measured or boxed in by opinions, styles, or preferences. It is your personal way of telling Jesus with everything within, how amazingly great He is and recognizing the never-end- ing dependency of His glory and His presence. 

Have you ever thought how fascinating it is that we’ve never received a bill for air, or for the usage of our brain activities, nor for the use of our limbs. These gifts have all been provided as tools. Tools for what you may ask. For God’s glory. God created you for a purpose. We should feel a sense of urgency to show forth His glory in every area of our life, to worship Him with every tool and resource He gave to us. 

If our song will bring God glory then let’s sing our song of worship with everything. If helping those who are in need and desperately desire to feel God’s presence….then let us selflessly worship the Lord in giving of our time. If it is dedicating to Him a special time to lavish Him with our love, then we sit and adore and worship Him for even taking the time for to allow us to dwell in His presence. 

My greatest aspiration is that God will see that I have and do worship Him with everything that He has given me, in the good times and bad. That I worship Him when I’ve felt like it and when I didn’t. That I worshiped Him not for all that He could give but simply because of who He is. I want my worship to use every gift and talent and any of the tools He so freely gave with everything for his glory. Jesus is totally worthy of our adoration and our undivided attention. We will never be able to thank God enough for the sacrifice of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection to redeem us from the hand of the enemy. 

David is such a great example to every believer of Worshiping God with Everything. He had so much to offer God, including his music, work ethic, and as a skilled warrior. However he started in the fields caring for his father’s sheep, giving his all in all things to give glory to God. With every victory he acknowledged God. One of my favorite passages of scripture is Psalm 150 where David encourages us to employ whatever tool we have to give God glory. Whatever it is… Give it your all!! Worship God with every- thing!! Go ahead, it’s your turn. Think about it today… How can you, with everything, worship God with your life? You have breath… then you have everything you need to give Him glory!!

Guest blog~Written by Lisa Harrell author of TheLisaHarrell.com 

Lisa Harrell lights up any room she walks in with her smile and consistent pursuit of joy. Her heart for Jesus is expressed in her words and actions. I am proud to call her a friend and excited for her to share her wisdom and life perspective with you.

God’s not Dead, Part 2

Read Part 1

When we walk around with unforgiveness that anger and bitterness spills onto everyone else in our lives. Because we haven’t dealt with it, it just builds and builds until, it explodes on some unsuspecting person that may have done the tiniest thing.

Acknowledging God’s exisistance is the first step toward forgiveness. Acknowledging that he does love us and it’s because he loves us that he gave us the free will to choose him or not. And it’s that free will that causes us to hurt each other.

Even those that choose him are not faultless, we all still make mistakes and no one is perfect except God.

Many peoples distrust of God is because others have misrepresented him, none of us are faultless. Only through knowing God ourselves can we really know who he his.

Don’t let others misrepresentation of him keep you from knowing a loving and trust worthy God that sacrificed his very life for you.

Seek to know God for yourself and let him show you who is he and the freedom that comes from his forgiveness.

Written by: Rebecca Darga