Love to get you through

The love of God gets me through more then I thought I could ever handle.

I’ve always tried to be the person that says they can do anything, I don’t back away from challenges and I always try to find the solution to any problem.

But when I’m faced with things that I can’t fix or make work, it opens the door to be discouraged or even depressed.

A few years ago I struggled with depression over not being pregnant after several years of trying. I was discouraged and I knew that God loved me but I didn’t want to spend time with Him. Honestly I was mad at God. But in time I came to realize that just because I wanted a baby doesn’t mean I’m ready. Having a baby isn’t about me, it’s about the baby. About wanting to raise them in a safe and loving environment where they can grow, learn and be provided for.

God was teaching me that having a baby wasn’t about fulfilling my desire to be a mother but it should be about wanting to do and be whats best for the child.

I needed to learn that.

Even though we are not expecting yet. I am trusting that God will bring a child into our lives when it is best for the baby.

I trust God because I know He loves me and I’m reminded of that each day as I write. Writing helps me keep focused on Him, it helps me to evaluate my life and see Him working in it.

His love sustains me, it feeds me, but I have to let Him love me.

What area of your life are holding back God’s love from?

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