“When did we let evil become stronger then us?

In the Desolation of Smog, Tauriel asks Legolas “When did we let evil become stronger than us?

We should be asking ourselves this when we let fear or worry hold us back from doing what God has asked us to do.

We get to choose what we let have power over us. If we choose to trust God we can do amazing things for him, reach people we never imaged and find strength, peace and joy that we didn’t know that we had.

In 2014 my small group leader was taking a team to Uganda for a missions trip and he asked the group if any of us wanted to go.

I had been on several mission trips before to others countries but honestly Africa was the only place that I never wanted to go.

As the night continued I felt an overwhelming sense that God wanted me to go on this trip. I kept ignoring it but after our group ended as I was talking with my co-worker James who had been before. I couldn’t ignore the promoting I felt from God any longer. I decided to go.

The trip changed my life and perspective on so many things more than any other mission trip I had been on.

By allowing God to direct my steps he grew our relationship in leaps and bounds on that trip and I haven’t been the same since.

What fear are you letting keep you from doing what God has asked you to do?

Take a step of faith and don’t let fear rule your decisions.


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