What is true BEAUTY?

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11a

Beauty is something we all seek. We seek it in others, in possessions or ourselves. But what is beauty?

Beauty comes from God. You need only look at his creation to see his beauty; the multitude and variety of flowers and trees alone shine his authorship of beauty.

So how do we attain this beauty? Is it through adornments? Or is it something else? You wouldn’t hang an earring on a flower and say you improved it. Nor do adornments make us truly more beautiful. No true beauty shines from within.

Beauty is Jesus shinging from within us as he does through all his creation.

Some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met are not what society would deem beautiful outwardly, but they shine Jesus with all that they are, and that’s true beauty.

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