Unexpected blessings

Just because God doesn’t do what you when you and how you want does not mean he is not there for you.

God timing is better then ours.

If my husband and I had met sooner, before we learned how to be in a relationship, how to love and that God is the one who fulfills; us not the other person. We would have caused each other so much pain.

In the same respect as much as have wanted kids over the past four years and have not been blessed with them yet. We know that having kids with all of our moving around the country would have been hard on them.

God’s timing is perfect.

He knows what we need, when we need it and when what we want, would hurt us more then hep us.

I asked God for a husband for seven years, but I wasn’t ready. My heart may have longed for the relationship of marriage, but it was for selfish reasons. And selfishness is never good for marriage.

It wasn’t until I surrendered my desire for spouse to God and asked him to pick my husband, that my husband came into my life. I never would of picked him on my own, but God knew what I needed and I couldn’t have asked for a better husband.

Trust God in his timing and ask him what wants for you right now, instead of what you want.

I bet you’ll be surprised at his answer.

Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

One thought on “Unexpected blessings”

  1. Yes. We do not always get what it we want it but often we get something better.

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