The legacy we leave behind

When my grandma went to heaven to be with Jesus. I shed tears for how much I miss her. But I found comfort in knowing that she is at peace and pain free in heaven. She’s having the best time of her life spending every moment with Jesus. 

But I would be remiss if I didn’t do what she taught me to do.

Love people and show them Jesus.

She always had a smile on her face and she always knew how to make the mundane joyful. She taught me how to welcome everyone into my home as if they were family, how to be creative and how to put windshield wipers on, amongst other things.

There was always enough space for everyone in her home and at her table no matter who or how many showed up. 

She taught me generosity and kindness in her heart and her actions. She always shined Jesus and I always want to do the same 

She did what we are supposed to do. She welcomed everyone and shined Jesus to all. She had six daughters, three step children, nine grandchildren, six great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren and she always had room for more. She always treated everyone like family and had so many more adopted in Christ-children.

Just as she did we should too, teach our children, our grandchildren and all around us about who Jesus is and what He has done for us and how that makes us all family.

It’s so much more then words, it’s our actions, our demeaner, our attitude. Jesus should be reflected in every aspect of our lives. So even if we don’t say a word He still shines through.

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