Find Joy in Thankfulness

Yesterday I talked about thankfulness being about perspective.

Today is a great day to put that into practice. As you go about your plans today look at your surroundings, at the people you are with and find new things to be thankful for.

You may find that you appreciate things or others more then you have in the past. Ask God to reveal to you how he see your friends and family, or if your alone ask him to show you what he would like you to do with the day.

Thankfulness is about perspective so change your perspective and let the joy of Jesus fill you.

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18

worship in Thanks

Thanksgiving is tomorrow!

One of my favorite days of the year.

I love gathering with family and helping prepare a huge meal for us all.

A thought, is to go into this season with thanksgiving to God for the family and friends he’s given you.

Don’t shy away from talking about him tomorrow, in fact I highly encourage trying to make him the focus of your thanksgiving. Maybe even take time out to sing a song of worship to him.

A family I hold dear to sings “O’Come let us adore him” before family meals.

It sounds weird but it brings so much joy and peace into the atmosphere of the room.

Try something different this year, be bold for Jesus and make him the center of the day of thanksgiving.

Here’s a song to start off