Speak Out

Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.

Philippians 3:1

You might have noticed a lot of my posts repeat some of the same messages. That’s because my passion is for you to have a deep intimate relationship with God and for him to use you to share the same work he has done in you and me, with others.

Paul the author of Philippians was repetitive in his teachings because he was passionate about what he taught, as am I.

What God has done for me in my life I could never repay and he still continues to shower me with his love everyday. As I know he wants to do the same for you too.

Don’t worry about sounding like a broken record when you are sharing his love with others. Simply share what the Holy Spirit leads you to, and let the burden he has placed in your heart speak out through your words and actions as you share.