Tears are healing

When it rains the clouds come in and the sky turns grey. The plants are shaded from the sun while they get much needed nourishment. The grey clouds stay even after it rains to shield the plants from being burned by the sun while the water is still on their leaves.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Tears are like this for us they come during the dark gloomy times but they give us a much needed release of emotion all the emotions that are pent up inside us flows out and can bring some much needed healing.

I always tell people tears are healing.

Tears help us to acknowledge the hurt and/or pain we’ve gone through, they cleanse us and wash away what we’ve held inside. They are a release of emotions fear, sadness, anger, worry, frustration that if kept bottled up could turn into paranoya, anxiety, depression, rage and bitterness. Even Jesus wept at the death of his friend Lazarus, even though he knew he would raise him back to life he still felt the loss. It’s the same with us when we lose someone it’s good to cry, to mourn their lose in this world but we must remember that we will see them in heaven. Or if we won’t we mourn that loss and let it be motivation to bring everyone else with us to heaven

So cry, let it all out but remember to not let it overcome you. The sun will come out and there are still people to reach.