There’s always HOPE

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
—Romans 12:12

Worrying about the future can cause so much unnecessary pain and frustration. But appreciating each moment for what it is can lead to a fuller life.

Enjoying the moment of hope and joy to the fullest instead of being distracted by what’s next makes the hard times in the future easier because you have those good moments to look back to and know that you can be patient in the hard times because you know they will pass and times of joy will return. If you live your life always looking for the worst to happen, it will happen and you will not find peace.

Being faithful in prayer is simply a reminder to stay in communication with God. Prayer is a two way conversation. By staying in communication with God all the time, he can change your perspective of your circumstances to see the hard times in a new light and to enjoy the times of hope even more.

No matter your current circumstances ask God to show it to you from his perspective.

Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash