The apostle Paul is in prison as he writes these words. What a bold prayer. He could of prayed for protection, but instead he prays that he will boldly continue to preach the gospel, the very thing that put him in prison. He offers up his life so that it may be used for God’s glory whether that be his life or death.
Where does this boldness come from?
He not only hands over his life, but he is rejoicing in his imprisonment.
How do you get to that point in your relationship with Jesus, where you are willing to sacrifice everything for him to be glorified?
It’s by knowing the character of God. When you know his character, you know you can depend on him because of who he is. God is always in your corner backing you up. Who would want to go against the God of the universe.
Some may say that was in the bible, try doing it now.
But there are people living this way now. A present day example of this is in the book Heavenly Man by Paul Hattaway. Heavenly Man is about Brother Yun, the Pastor of an underground church in China. This book will stretch and strengthen your faith more then you can believe. Brother Yun sacrifices everything to witness to those around him. He’s beaten, abused and imprisoned for preaching the gospel, but he rejoices in his suffering and preaches even to the guards and inmates that attack him.
What lengths are you willing to go to for sharing the gospel with others? Would you sacrifice your life?