God is all around us

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
—Psalm 19:1–2


God is all around us, he created everything and if we take the time to slow down and look and listen he speaks to us through his creation. Sometimes it’s through nature and sometimes through people. No I’m not crazy.

I’ve just found that if I take the time to ask God to teach me something, he often does it through his creation.

When I first made the decision to turn my life back to God I became an intern at my church. At the start of the internship we went on a retreat to a beautiful lodge in the woods. Once we got settled we each took sometime to be alone with God. I decided to take a walk in the woods.


Photo by Matthew Brodeur

I was walking down a slight hill, having to watch where I was stepping because there was no path.

As I walked I noticed all the dead leaves and broken branches. I asked God where he was when I had turned away from him, when I had let so many of the dreams he’d given me die.

He explained that even though I had chosen to ignore him,  he was there the whole time for every bad decision and wrong choice,  but he helped guide me from some major pitfalls, just like I was avoiding stepping into some deep holes in my walk in the woods.

Photo by Sérgio Rola

On my return walk back up the hill God showed me all the plants that were growing up through the leafs. He explained that even though I had chosen to ignore him for so long he had planted seeds along the way and that they would grow and produce now that I had turned back to him.

Photo by Andreas Vendelbo


God will use the circumstances around us to teach us if we simple take to the time to acknowledge him and learn.