I love watching movies and having God teach me something through them. The Lion King has so many moments that are teachable. Simbas overall life lesson is what caught my attention this time.
He tried to run from his problems, only to find out later that he didn’t even do what caused him to run. Many of us do this especially when we are kids, we run and hide thinking the consequences will be worse then they actually are or that our parents couldn’t possible forgive us. But things always go so much better when we own up to our actions and deal with the consequences.
We often do this with God, we run and hide from Him. Thinking that He could never forgive us or that He doesn’t love us or want us, because we messed up.
But nothing could be further from the truth. He loves us no matter what, He knows that we will make mistakes and He has already forgiven us.
Once we realize this, we can find freedom and become who He made us to be and come in our inheritance like Simba because we are God’s kids and He has so much He wants to bless us with.