Rejoice in Others, Value the One

Yesterday I talked about Serving without Complaining in
Philippians 2:14-18. This passage also mentions rejoicing for others.

It’s easy to get distracted by others minisry. To say my ministry isn’t as big as their’s or I wish I could do that. But you don’t know where they started.

Every ministry starts small. No one immediately has a mega church or crusades to millions, no they started out small. Even Jesus started out small. He saw each person as valuable and stopped crowds, just to focus on one person. Like Zacchaeus, or the cripple lowered though the roof or the woman with the issue of blood. Jesus focus was always on the individual.

Ministry is about reaching people. So whether it be big or small if you have reached a person you have ministered.

So rejoice for others in their blessing to reach the multitude and know that they started just like you, by reaching one person at a time.

woman in white shirt raising her right hand

Photo by Harishan Kobalasingam on Unsplash

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