People make mistakes

Don’t let others miss representation of God deter you from knowing Him yourself.

Many people have walked away from their faith in God because they were hurt by other believers or believe that God betrayed them.

Just because others have represented God falsely, does not mean that is who He is. Don’t let others perception be your own. Seek the truth about God from God, only He can truly represent Himself in His entirety.

People are human and we all make mistakes, I make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.

I walked away from my faith when I was 18 because I felt at the time that my spiritual leaders were more concerned with bringing others to Jesus, then helping me through the things I was facing at the time.

I was WRONG. But that was my perception and interpretation at the time.

The truth is they didn’t help me because they didn’t know, I didn’t tell anyone. Instead I started looking to those outside the faith for my solutions and they provided nothing other then distractions to avoid my problems, rather then face them.

When I came back to my faith in God, I had more problems, not less. Life without God was miserable, I was always seeking the approval of others and digging my self into a deeper and deeper hole to do it.

Giving my life back to God gave me peace and freedom that I had not know during my time away from Him. God surrounded me with His love and forgiveness and brought many people into my life to encourage me to grow in my faith.

If you are questioning God I encourage you to go to scripture, flip open your Bible and begin reading. Don’t have a bible visit and randomly pick a verse. Talk to someone you respect for how they represent God and ask the hard questions. Talk to God and give Him your hard questions, but don’t forget to listen for the answer.

God is there and He loves you and He wants to talk to you. Give Him a chance. Don’t let other be the reason you don’t make up your own mind, make your own choices.

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