Love is meant to GROW

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight

Philippians 1:9 NIV

We should always be growing in our relationships with God and with others. It’s when we stop that we feel stuck or stagnant. We should fall head over heels in love more and more as time goes by.

Marriage is not the end its the beginning of a beautiful journey of discovery together.

When we begin our relationship with God we don’t all the sudden know everything about him. We still have to build a relationship. And as we learn about him we grow to love him more.

Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash

It’s the same with our spouses. Yes, we got to know each other before we got married and that why we got married. But we have to continue that adventure of knowing each others.

Because love grows.

We should be overjoyed to learn new thing about God, because we love him. Just as we should in marriage. We should be learning more and more about each other and falling deeper in love with each other.

That’s why God uses marriage as an example of his relationship with us. Both relationships are supposed to be deep, intimate and always growing.

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