Do you know God?

“Don’t you know me by now?” ~23 Blast

Sometimes God doesn’t answer our question because he already has we just don’t realize it. Sometimes his answer is in what has done for us more than in words. Knowing the character of God is crucial to our communication with him.

As I mentioned last week we have a had a lot of financial struggles in the last year. But every time I bring it up to God he reminds me of his character. That he is our provider and that he doesn’t worry about it so why should we. Logically we should not have made it through the last year. But God provided over and over again each month I’m astonished at how he provides. But he does because that is who he is. He is all our providers and we have no reason to doubt him because he always provides when we put our trust in him.

What have you been asking God about? Ask him to show you if he’s already provided the answer in just being who he is.

If you’re not sure you know his character read Galatians 5:22-23 and look for his answer in his character.

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