God provides what we need

When we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit we can accomplish things we never would think ourselves capable of. Holy Spirit gives us the confidence, the words and all we need to do what he calls us to.

Esther is a great example of this. She did what God asked of her and saved an entire people through a few dinners.

God calls us to do and be more then we could of ever think possible. In my life God has provided over and over again in ways I never expected. In the last year my husband I moved across the country to plant a house church and in that year we’ve had the most financial instability we have ever faced since we got married nine years ago. But God has provided over and over again from people and places we never expected. Although we are not out of the woods yet. We know that God will continue to provide because he always does.

We all need to trust him to provide what we need to accomplish what he ask of us.

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