God loves us

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.

Psalm 36:7–9

Photo by Leighann Renee on Unsplash

God’s love is for everyone, rich, poor, sad happy, angry or calm. You don’t have to fit a certain mold or criteria to be loved by Him. He made us each unique on purpose. He is the creator. You need only to look at the variety of plants or animals to see His love for diversity. What He asks of us is that we love Him back and love others.

That encompasses everything, if we accept His love, He shows us and gives us love overflowing to love ourselves and to love others.

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