Freedom from pain

Pain is something we all have somehow somewhere in our lives we all have been hurt and we all try to escape it. By avoiding, ignoring, overcompensating, deflecting and straight out running in the other direction regardless of what that is.

But what if instead of holding onto that pain we could be free from it. 

Forgiveness is powerful and it frees us from pain.

Many see forgiveness as excusing the one who hurt us or saying it was ok. But it’s not. Forgiving someone does that make what they did right, but it does free us from letting that pain control us.

Holding on to the pain of the past gives that pain power over us, to control our actions and lets it rule us, keeping us from things because we are afraid to face the pain. We give it the power to influence decisions instead.

Holding onto our pain instead of forgiving really controls us, not the other person.

But we can make the decision to stop letting that pain rule us and surrender it over to Jesus. He came to free us from our pain and free us from allowing unforgiveness to control us.

Stop letting your past determine your future and let go of the pain.

One thought on “Freedom from pain”

  1. Holding on to resentments definitely keeps the pain going for us. Leave it to God to do the judging, and let the hurt go.

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