drive by blessings

On my drive to work I see lots of people walking on the side of the street to go to the bus stop or kids going to school. I get cut off by people and stuck behind buses. I could and have let this is get to me and frustrate me.

Until I started doing drive by blessings. Every time when I see a pedestrian instead of being upset that I have to stop for them to use the cross walk. I pray for them.

And when I get cut off or have to stop because the person in front of me is turning into one of the many business driveways that I pass. I pray for them.

When I get stuck behind the bus, I pray for the passengers getting on or off.

It’s not about being holier then thou. It’s about a perspective change.

Instead of seeing people as an annoyance I see them as God sees them. As his kids. He loves each and every person on the planet, so I should too. 

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