Bear fruit, not fear

If He is the vine and we are the branches, that means that He bears the weight of us, He nourishes us, feeds us, waters us and roots us.

Without Him we are dead branches.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in knowledge that we actually ignore meaning. We become so focused on retaining the information that we don’t think about what it means.

Often, when we grow up in church, we hear phrases like  “He is the vine, we are the branches” and we gloss over it.

But He is the vine. That means we can do nothing for Him, without Him. Have you ever seen a branch on the ground bear fruit without being attached to the vine?

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

So why do we think we can do it on our own?

The vine feeds us, gives us water and roots us.

Jesus is the vine and He provides more for us then just food, water and shelter, He gives us life, confidence, love, peace, patience. I could go on…

He provides everything for us.

Anytime I’m having a bad day it’s because I didn’t go to Jesus for nourishment. I can have the same exact day and if I started my day with nourishment (wisdom, guidance, strength, patience) from Jesus, I will not have a bad day. Because He is with me, He lifts me up to bear fruit instead of fear.

Life without Jesus produces fear, fear of the unknown, fear of survival. How will you provide for yourself? Why else would we go to work, but to provide for ourselves and our families.

But when we are in the vine, Jesus takes care of all your needs so we can bear fruit.

Bearing fruit is about sharing life with others. By handing them the fruit of our life, we can show that that it is good to be in the vine. Look what being in the vine has done for me, all my needs are meet and I bore this fruit too.

Photo by Xiaolong Wong on Unsplash

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

John 15:4-5

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