Love is Not About US

Do you think people knew who Jesus was as he grew up in front of them? Mary and Joseph knew and Mary’s cousin Elizabeth. But when did others notice that something was different about him?

Jesus choose to be born as a baby, to live as we live. He didn’t come to be worshiped and lifted up. He came to be a sacrifice for us.

He lived a normal life, he was born to normal people. He could of had whatever he wanted but he choose to be like the rest of us. He didn’t live an extravagant life or demand anything from anyone.

He came to serve, not be served and show us love in his every word and action. He came to be an example of love. Love is not about us but about how we care for and treat others. Jesus was never concerned about whether his needs would be met his focus was always on the people around him. So why do we think being loved is about us? If we love others by being more concerned about them then ourselves our Heavenly Father will take care of al our needs and shower us with his love. Just as he did for Jesus!

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